Expedited Trouble-Free Deployment and LightRiver Software Services

All netFLEX® software configuration, development, turnkey integration, IT infrastructure and deployment, training, and ongoing maintenance and support is carried out by LightRiver Software’s own expert, in-house, staff of highly experienced telecommunication software & IT subject matter experts, with rigid adherence to project management standards ensuring that everything is done right the first time.

Typically, the LightRiver Software specialist who provides initial training continues as a customer’s primary support contact, ensuring that the relationship between LightRiver Software and the netFLEX® user is exceptionally strong as physical assets are enrolled and evolve.

For subscribing customers LightRiver Software ensures that netFLEX® software is always current with regular product updates that both incorporate new enhanced functionality and support new releases of network elements. Network elements that are not currently supported by netFLEX® software can be developed and added quickly.

Installation, Configuration and Integration

LightRiver Software’s complete range of implementation services ensures that users are up, running and quickly reaping the full benefits of the netFLEX system.

These on-demand services are carried out exclusively by LightRiver Software’s own highly experienced team of telecommunications software professionals to the most exacting professional project management standards. Depending on the customer’s circumstances and requirements, they may include:

  • Physical and virtual IT Infrastructure sourcing and set up
  • Initial software installation
  • Software configuration (i.e. for use as Discover and ODC)
  • Turnkey integration of netFLEX® software with multi-vendor, multigeneration network elements and third-party OSS, NMS/EMS and other higher-layer apps using standard APIs


netFLEX® software supports full and complete downloadable documentation, including comprehensive user and administrator manuals.

Maintenance and Ongoing Support

All netFLEX® system customers enjoy an initial 90-day warranty against any software defects that result in degradation of service. After that, LightRiver Software offers a comprehensive software maintenance program on an annual basis.

The LightRiver Software maintenance contract includes:

  • Regular downloadable software upgrades/maintenance releases featuring:
    • A steady flow of additional and enhanced functionality
    • Support for new releases of network elements
    • Provision for additional network elements
    • Installation of software upgrades
  • Patches as needed
  • Detailed updated documentation as needed for users and administrators
  • Remote support, either Monday – Friday 8-5 or 24×7, or 24-7, 365 days a year, with onsite support available. The primary support contact is typically the LightRiver Software professional who provided initial training.


LightRiver Software understands that training is a vital part of the implementation of any new software system and key to extracting full value from the user’s investment in it.

LightRiver Software’s own expert support staff has extensive experience in Network Reliability Centers, Network Operations Centers and Customer Support Centers. They provide comprehensive hands-on interactive training for netFLEX® software users, both on the customer’s premises and remotely. The training curriculum is tailored to the Customers specific needs and addresses all aspects of the software operational use and administration.


In most cases, LightRiver Software ensures the most coherent possible level of ongoing service by designating the professional who oversees a customer’s training to be that customer’s primary contact for and provider of ongoing support.


Consulting or project-based configuration, development, installation, and/or management of SDN deployments.  LightRiver is additionally certified in most leading vendor EMS & SDN instantiations, and uniquely able to deliver the best mix to the customer.

Our professional Support Staff has extensive knowledge and experience in the operations of different telephony centers (NOC, NRC, Customer Support Centers). They are capable of designing or redesigning processes to support the integration of netFLEX® software into an existing operation. Our support staff also has years of experience designing “Best Practice” processes for your center’s needs.

Custom Development

netFLEX® software is a turnkey integrated system which closely follows the trends in the industry and the adoption of key features and technologies. As such our roadmap is robust and extensive. Occasionally, trends shift or key clients can be caught behind the curve. If a change to the roadmap is necessary to meet customer needs, LightRiver Software’s own highly experienced telecommunications software professionals carry out the development in-house, which may include the addition of new network elements and/or the addition of new functionality or features to meet a customer’s specific needs and circumstances.