Reduce Network Troubleshooting By 90%
As a Network Operator with history, part of your Optical Transport network is legacy in nature, based on organic growth or through M&A. These legacy networks are likely supporting critical customer services and revenue. Based on budget considerations, there is probably minimal (if any) plans to migrate off of these legacy networks and disrupt the services and revenue in place.
These existing networks reflect legacy Element Management (EMS) and Network Management (NMS) platforms that have stuck around to ensure that you could manage the overall service assurance experience. These platforms are likely from a variety of vendors, each one of which carrying various levels of ‘risk and OPEX cost and concerns.’
Many times the OPEX you are already paying to support these legacy EMS/NMS applications (people, vendor maintenance, legacy HW support, others) — can pay for a netFLEX deployment by itself! Let alone the operational efficiency savings you will immediately obtain through Realtime Inventory (for network capacity planning, service design, assurance correlations) and Assurance Analytics (test/triage automation and proactive management).
LightRiver will help you quickly review the total cost of ownership with your legacy EMS/NMS applications to address the tough questions referenced and the strategic-next advancements of your new future!