Proactively Eliminate Potential Transport Network Problems
Automate the Detection, Test/Triage, and Remediation of Problems
netFLEX® Performance Monitoring and Management
The ultimate objective of assurance automation is to leverage ‘realtime’ discovered inventory, ‘actionable’ data/analytics, and control automation – all from the ‘live’ network. These critical functions are required for feedback-loop programmability to auto-detect, auto-predict, auto-test/triage, and auto-restore issues on the network. With these three functions (discover, analyze, control) required for control-loop-actionability, most solutions today lack one or two of these. Likewise, gaps exist today where test-automation does not cover the vastness of multi-vendor, multi-generation, and multi-technology as deployed in large operator networks. netFLEX Analytics and Assurance Automation reflects a family of capabilities that addresses all of these.
- Performance Quality Validation for Proactive and Predictive Management
- SLA Management
- Proactive Optical Wavelength Restoration
- Customer-defined thresholding and control-loop actioning (as applied to the above)
- Circuit Analysis Tool (demo and details below)
netFLEX® enhanced performance management solutioning for transport networks provides additional capabilities and tools. This allows for broader actionability through API/Services and custom integrations in support of…
- Ticketing and dispatch platform actionability to technicians
- Advanced reporting to network health engineers
- Identifying and monitoring of chronic troubles
- Reducing repeat reports and other network measurable metrics
On-Demand or analytics driven. Available through netFLEX UI/UX or API/Services. Multivendor end-2-end view of service path/inventory, fault, performance analysis, custom-defined thresholding, and options for auto-restoral.
- Engineering View (via Northbound Interface)
- Network View (via auto-discovery)
- Discrepancy Analysis
- Circuit Connectivity Trace
- Circuit Continuity Analysis
- Diagnostic Information
- Per Span Performance
- Tail Trace Identifiers
- Service/Destination Access Point IDs
- WDM Light Levels / Power
Every NE, from every vendor, from every generation of equipment is portrayed identically in the netFLEX end-2-end logical view.