network FLEXibility
Network Automation Platform that addresses the complexity of disparate transport networks, suppliers, and technologies.
Through advanced automation and analytics, we simplify, standardize, and personalize the Customer Experience…
To Make it All Look the Same
Comprehensive network automation
The only platform that enables uniform management of transport networks for cost avoidance, operational scale, and new revenue enablement.
Industry leading multi-vendor, multigenerational, & multi-technology support
Dynamic network inventory discovery – the source of truth for all automation
Realtime Data & Analytics – collect it all, analyze it all, for actionable data
Human touch removed – through control automation of networks & services
Enabler of Network-on-Demand and Customer Self Serve digital experiences

How It Works
We make it all look the same.
UI: Standardized single-pane-of-glass for Realtime Inventory, Analytics, Assurance & Test Automation, Visualizations (map, chassis, logical, custom-reporting), and so much more.
API: Multi-vendor solution with a standard API framework to consuming apps. Enables simplified integrations for future network evolution.
As the network evolves and changes…
the “make it all look the same…stays the same.”
“When you can make the disparity of the underlying network look the same to operations personnel and connected systems, you have achieved business scale. netFLEX helped us achieve this simplification for our Global Transport Network.”
— Tier 1 Service Provider, C-Level


Network Visibility in Your Pocket
SD-WAVESTM is a next generation Optical VPN offering supporting private transport networks to include Open Optical (network disaggregation for multi-vendor and multi-technology). The solution provides an advanced Ul/UX framework that is extended beyond the traditional desktop to that of mobility, apps, and broader devices.
Self-Serve management of visibility and control that can be Customer Defined (the SD-WAN of Private Optical Networks)
Software is not available for download in the app store, but custom demos and secure trial server setup is available to select customers upon request.

Embrace The
Alien Aware Networking®
Identify, Isolate and Manage Alien Waves
Identify, Isolate and Manage Alien Waves
An ‘alien aware network’ embraces alien wavelengths allowing them to be readily monitored, analyzed, and managed end-to-end, no matter what suppliers or technologies are leveraged within a single network operator, or across multiple interconnected operator networks. This is possible via Multi-Vendor, Multi-Technology, Open Optical network automation enabled by netFLEX.

Network Abstraction
Enable Control Automation to all consuming app’s (i.e. OSS/BSS, UI/UX, other) for automation of service instantiation, feedback-loop controls, and broader.

Proven Success
Large netFLEX deployment(s) already in place across each of the different segments, including Tier 1 Wireline Service Provider, Tier 1 Wireless Service Provider, Tier 1 DataCenter, Tier 1 Exchange Provider, Tier 1 FANG/Cloud, Tier 1 Utility, and more across North America and worldwide

Only Solution
That includes Discovered Inventory, Actionable Analytics, and Control Automation, across the industries’ core technology platforms.

network FLEXibility
Across Every Functional Area. The only SDN Optical Domain Control solution that reflects…supplier FLEXibility, technology FLEXibility, generation FLEXibility, domain FLEXibility, DX FLEXibility

Of Visibility & Control, as the operator and customer would define. Unique interworking between realtime inventory, actionable analytics, and control automation — without these three in concert, programmability does not happen!

Digital Experience (DX)
Cross platform UI to make it all look the same. Uniform API framework to expose all Discover, Analytics, and Control capabilities to End Customer or Operator consuming applications.